Buy a secondary phone number for your DUO

Now you can add an additional phone number to your DUO for as low as $1.99* per month.

Unlimited Talking with DUO to DUO for Free

Do you have friends and family in the United States or Canada?
Now you can buy a secondary phone number for your DUO so your friends and family can call you like locals.

Do you have a home office or need a secondary phone number for other purposes?
Now you won’t have to share your personal home phone number for work.

Ability to change your DUO phone number
Don’t like your current DUO phone number? Now you can change it for only $4.95*.

Ability to change your DUO phone number to Canadian or U.S. number
Prefer to have a Canadian or U.S. number as your primary DUO phone number? Now you can change it to show your new primary Caller ID.

Maintain a
Global Presence
Maintain Privacy
With Temporary Numbers
Maintain a
Low Cost Phone Bill

How does it work?

  1. Just sign-in with your DUO email & password at
  2. Click and Select a DUO device.
  3. Go to “Phone Number” page
  4. Click on “Add a Phone Number”, then select a new phone number.
  5. Follow the steps to complete purchase.

Please note: this feature applies to unlimited incoming calls. This does not affect outgoing calling minutes nor does it add outgoing calling minutes to your account.